After Mkweather Winter 2020/2021 Final Outlook /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/24/winter-forecast-2020-2021-final-outlook// we can look more detailed to incoming coldwaves in Europe in late November and early December 2020.
It appears, that London should be during peak of expected coldwaves colder than Moscow according to fresh outputs of GFS!
At the beginning of Winter 2020/2021, a strong decline of NAO and AO indices are expected, accompanied with powerful stratospheric warming and destabilization of polar vortex.
Masses of extremely cold air gradually floods moderate and subtropical climate zones and what is even more interesting, part of polar vortex above Greenland´s sector, such as was predicted sooner, will send extreme cold air masses over Europe in untraditional direction – from west and northwest to east (not Siberian but Greenland high will be decisive).
Next powerful cold blast with severe frosts up to -18°C and possible snowing is forecasted in Central Europe around 29. November – 3. December 2020 with T850 hPa above Carpathians and Poland up to -10°C.
Then, preliminary between 7.-12. December Europe expects even more stronger coldwave, which should arrive from Greenland – above the UK are expected temperatures in 850 hPa between -10/-15°C with possibility of -18°C, maybe -20°C frosts in Scotland.
This extreme cold air mass will shift over Europe soon and brings possibility of frosts between -20/-25°C in Central Europe, occasionally, in valleys with snow cover below 800 MASL.
It appears, that around 15.-20. should arrive a short warmer period to Europe, but above Greenland during these days, next extremely cold air masses will be accumulating, what should bring next coldwave after 20. December, including Christmas Day 2020.
Mkweather will be evolution of forecasts carefully watching and brings the newest information about predicted character of weather during the most watched forecasting period of the year – a month December (thanks to Christmas and Silvester / a New Year events).

AO and NAO indices until 10. December 2020 /NOAA:

Expected snow cover until 10. December 2020 /tropicaltidbits.com:

Extremely cold outputs for 1st December decade /wxcharts.com:

Chosen days with expected temperatures in Europe according to wetterzentrale.de: