Very close to all-time seasonal records should increase maximum temperatures on Thursday, 17. February 2022 and the last February and the First March 2022 days will be even warmer! /the next Mkweather article/.
Extremely high temperatures hit the regions of Bratislava, Budapest, and Vienna already in a few hours – ideal conditions, with an extremely warm advection, low cloudiness, not temperature inversion and good wind parameters will cause, that in the region, the first time in the season, maximum temperatures above +20,0°C should appear.
Many daily temperature records will probably be broken and temperatures will stay very close to seasonal temperature records for winter, which are moving tightly above +20°C in countries (mostly measured at the end of February 2022).
Very warm will be in Czechia and Poland, too, regionally up to +15/+18°C.
If you have waited for early spring conditions, the following day will be very good for outdoor activities.
Extremely warm will be on Thursday and Friday, 17.-18. February almost all continental Europe, with regional maximum temperatures +15/+20°C, and until the end of week parts of Italy, and Balkan, too, with temperatures mostly +15/+20°C, near foehn mainly in Italy rarely up to +25°C.
As was predicted in the last articles, very or extremely warm weather hit/hits almost all Europe excluding Scotland and central and northern Scandinavia /https://mkweather.com/europe-hits-a-winter-heatwave-temperatures-already-next-week-in-the-mediterranean-up-to-30c-in-balkan-27c-in-continental-europe-22c-and-in-british-islands-20c//.
Extremely rare, near foehn, maximum temperatures up to +22°C will be in continental Europe possible.
The next, long-lasting heatwave hits Europe already around 26.2.-5.3.2022, with a possibility of temperatures above continental Europe up to +23°C, maybe very rarely near foehn surprisingly more (+25°C) – materials will be published already in the next Mkweather article.