Portal elecroverse.net has informed about extremely cloudy November in New Zealand.
In Wellington, New Zealand capital, during the first 20 days of November 2020 inhabitants have seen sunshine only 4 hours a day in average!
“We’ve had 66.7 hours in total and that’s a long way from the average of 210 hours.”
“The smallest number of sunshine on record is 133 hours, back in 1954, The smallest number of sunshine on record is 133 hours, back in 1954,”, wrote portal.
Unsurprisingly, November with 60 mm of rain is the wettest on record. In Southern Island even, snowing has been recorded.
Weather like this is marked by weather extremes such as 150-year rainfall in Napier /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/11/napier-new-zealand-north-island-with-the-worst-floods-since-1963-2424-mm//.
November in southern hemisphere is equivalent for May in northern hemisphere, therefore aren´t a lot of explanations for strange behaviour in New Zealand.
One of possible reasons of expected bloomiest November in history should be transition from extremely strong positive AAO phase (Antarctic Oscillation), AAO+, which is linked with anomalously high pressure above Antarctic, to solid negative AAO phase, AAO- during the month, with deep pressure trough in New Zealand sector, with persisting cloudy and rainy weather, surely associated with La-nina, too.
According to forecast models, cyclonic weather is expected until the end of November 2020, with 2 main cyclonic situation – one from west and second from the south.
When arrive to New Zealand summer in 2020? Possibility will be already during the first December decade.

Infographics: wxcharts.com: