Expected Kappa reached wind parameters needed to be a tropical storm already on Sunday, 29. November and already 2 days it holds tropical storm-like conditions westward form Iberia and NW Africa.
Updates of forecasts for next, still predicted tropical storm – Kappa, near north African coast tell several things.
It is mainly shifted stormtrack to more westward direction from Canary Islands, but still with heavy rains in several Canary islands, and some precipitation in Morocco and Western Sahara.
Too, predicted winds should stay above tropical storm minimum limit next 48 – 72 hours, however, it isn´t clear, if 5-day cyclone formation will be fulfilled.
Severe winds are expected mainly in Madeira and in neighboring regions of Morocco and Western Sahara.
Kappa surprised such as possible candidate of extreme Atlantic hurricane season 2020 to a tropical storm at the end of season, however, next storms should get names until the end of December 2020, yet.
Accroding to MJO forecasts, conditions in North Atlantic will be relatively good for development of last tropical depressions and storm until 10. December, while between 10.-24. December, very dry phase of MJO is expected, with very bad conditions. At the end of the year, little chance for tropical development stays open.
Infographics: tropicaltidbits.com, wxcharts.com, NOAA