Powerful Cyclone Yasa hits Vanuatu and Fiji and then it aims directly towards Northern Island, New Zealand!
Another tropical threat, for now Tropical cyclone Zazu, is shifting from Fiji southeastward and won´t hit significant areas of land.
Currently, on Monday, 14. December 2020, Yasa has reached a strength of Category 1 cyclone and Fiji Met is forecasting, that until Wednesday, 16. December it to become a category 3 cyclone.
Then, around 3 days before a Christmas, still deep remnants of Cyclone Yasa – Tropical storm or Tropical depression Yasa, will shifting with probability around 50% near northwestern coast of New Zealand, where should bring severe rainfall, strong winds and floods.
Zazu will be shifting above territory of Tonga and then waters of southern Pacific, where will be weakening until Christmas.
Northern Island, New Zealand expects hot and very stormy summer season 2020/2021, with above average activity of cyclones. Remnants of tropical storms should hit Southern Island, too, but with lower intensity.
Very high tropical cyclone risk is valid in New Caledonia and eastern and northern Australia, too, during current Cyclone season 2020/2021.