After Mkweather Silvester / New Year forecast for the USA and southern Canada /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/26/silvester-and-new-year-2020-21-usa-and-canada-with-a-next-superstorm//, we should look at the celebration night from Silvester to New Year in Europe.
While in the USA and the most populated parts of Canada, a superstorm is forecasted, with dangerous conditions along eastern coast, in Europe will be weather calmer, however, under influence of the low pressure system, with widespread showers, rain or snow, regionally with stronger precipitation.
In the UK, Spain, France, Germany or Italy, and neighboring countries it will be cold night thanks to shift Arctic air masses on the back side of the cyclonic system, eastern Europe, in contrast, should be very warm, however, with snow cover from previous coldwave.
Some snow showers are forecasted for Silvester midnight for England, Benelux, France or Germany, but regions with low cloudiness are forecasted, too.
In the UK it should be one of the coldest winter nights of season 2020/2021. Frosts, but not extreme, are forecasted for almost all European countries, very cold however should be in Alpine region in higher elevated ski centers, around -20°C. Frosts are forecasted in Spain, Italy or Balkan, too.
Until 20. January, Winter 2020/2021 will be strengthening in Europe and already now, are forecasted frosts around -20°C in continental European basins and valleys up to 800 MASL around 12. January 2021. Forecasts for the peak of Winter 2020/2021 in Europe will be updated during next days, when forecast models will be showing the strongest frosts in their outputs.
Infographics: wxcharts.com, wetterzentrale.de