Siberian coldwave already brought a series of record cold weather into western Europe and Alpine region and many countries for their peak of the Winter are only waiting.
However, we have very freezing news for inhabitants of Scandinavia, Baltic countries, central Europe, eastern Europe, Balkan and Turkey – upcoming Siberian frosts should be historic in these parts of Europe very soon!
After all time Spain temperature record (-34,1°C within AEMET stations and -35,8°C in other stations; https://mkweather.com/2021/01/07/siberian-winter-in-the-spain-341c-new-national-temperature-record/) and historic 50-year snowstorm /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/09/madrid-50cm-of-snow-aemet-confirmed-the-worst-snowfall-since-1971// was Tuesday, 12. January in lower situated parts of the Spain again extremely cold, with temperatures up to -29,9°C /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/12/30c-frosts-bother-lower-situated-parts-of-the-spain// (note: previous record is from mountainous stations).
In parts of the UK, current coldwave have produced regionally the coldest times since legandary year 2010 /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/10/the-uk-and-ireland-siberian-winter-will-come-back-last-nights-regionally-coldest-since-legendary-2010//.
Extremely cold weather from the British Islands and Spain has shifted around Monday, 11. January 2021 over the Alps, with measured -39,6°C in Dolina de Campoluzzo /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/11/dolina-di-campoluzzo-italy-siberian-396celsius//, 1700 MASL, -28,0°C in Le Bréviene, France and Switzerland, 1042 MASL /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/11/france-280c-1042-masl-and-262c-840-masl-germany-223c-810-masl-extreme//, -25,9°C in Perla, Kvilda, Czechia, -24,0°C in St. Jakob in Defereggen, Austria or -22,3°C in Oberstdorf, Germany.
In Lienz, Eastern Tyrol, Austria, was on Monday, 11. January measured the lowest temperature since 1987, -23,5°C /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/11/lienz-austria-235c-the-lowest-temperature-since-1987-switzerland-with-corrected-280celsius//.
Moreover, series of abnormally cold weather hit many parts of Northern Hemisphere from China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, United Arab Emirates or Canada (stories you shoud find on current articles on Mkweather homepage) including a description of anomalous SSW (Sudden Stratospheric Warming) with measured the highest air pressure on the Earth (1094,3 hPa, Tsetsen Ull, Mongolia) and lowest extratropical air pressure in history (921 hPa, Northern Pacific), before 2 weeks, at the start of a current collapse of the circulation).
From Tuesday to Wednesday, 12.-13. January 2021, extreme frosts will be shortly interrupted by “calamity low”, which is bringing snowfall in Scandinavia, Baltic states and Central Europe /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/12/calamity-low-in-europe-right-now-sweden-with-red-warnings-poland-with-50-cm-outlook//.
After this, the second bigger snowstrorm in Europe (after snowstorm Filomena in the Spain), the first peak of Winter 2020/2021 is expected gradually from Thursday, 14. to Wednesday, 20. January in continental Europe.
As we should notice in outputs of GFS below, Siberian winter mainly during the weekend, 16.-17. January 2021, hit in new parts of Europe with full power. Temperature anomalies -12°C, locally -16°C from all-time averages are expected in parts of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania on the coldest output (on other outputs in neighboring countries, too), what should mean probablity -30°C frosts in the Carpathians, Belarus, Ukraine and Baltic region.
The second coldwave, probably shortly before 25. January 2021, should be in Baltic states and parts of Central Europe, Balkan and Turkey, such as in Scandinavia, even stronger – extreme cold Siberian air should hit mainly Estonia, Lavia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, but too Slovakia, Germany, Czechia, Austria, Hungary and Romania again, but we have to wait for most reliable outputs until the end of current week, yet.
Next 2 weekends therefore should be in Europe expectionally cold, therefore stay safe and watch this extreme Siberian story furthermore with Mkweather.

Infographics: wxhcarts.com, wetterzentrale.de