Parts of the USA and Canada were at the start of Summer 2021 hit by extreme heatwave.
Northern USA and southern Canada reported temperatures above +40°C / 104°F the first time in 32 years, since 1989!
Heatwave was shifting from western USA and British Columbia above northern USA and Canadian Prairies into eastern Canada and East Coast, USA in last 5 days.
The hottest was in Getna, Manitoba, Canada, +41,3°C and in Bismarck, North Dakota, the USA, +41,1°C.
A few days before, +48,9°C / 120°F in Death Valley was measured.
In next 16 days, heatwave will firstly persist above northern USA, Great Lakes region, Northeast and eastern Canada, then new heatwave will start to build above western USA and Canada, with worsening of drought and wildfire situation in the region.
Heavy rains and storms with a possibility of regional floods will be possible mainly in Gulf Coast, while rest of the region will be relatively dry or very dry.
Summer 2021 finally has arrived into Europe and North America, with relatively warm / hot conditions after cold Spring 2021 Arctic outbreaks. In Europe, +35°C in Germany is possible around 15. June /https://mkweather.com/heatwave-around-15-june-with-35c-in-germany-period-between-15-20-june-colder-and-stormy-between-20-25-june-the-next-heatwave-june-2021// and parts of the USA and Canada should report some additional interesting temperature records, until 23. June, again.

Source: meteologix.com

Source: wxcharts.com