Extremely hot times for Scandinavia!
After an extremely hot weekend in Finland, with maximum temperatures up to +32,8°C (Nurmijarvi) on Saturday and +32,7°C on Sunday (Puumala), even hotter days are coming – and not only into Finland, but too into parts of Sweden!
On Wednesday and Thursday, 14.-15. July, maximum temperatures in southern Finland and southern and eastern Sweden, should reach anomalous +35/+36°C, which is only around 2°C below all-time temperature records!
Extremely hot weather is persisting in Scandinavia since mid-June 2021, with interesting temperature records. While in June 2021, +34,6°C in Sweden (all-time June record) or +33,6°C in Finland (0,2°C below all-time June record) was measured, in early July 2021 +34,0°C and shortly later +34,3°C in northern Norway, behind a Polar Circle, was measured. /https://mkweather.com/the-next-10-days-of-heatwaves-for-scandinavia-and-baltic-countries-343c-in-lapland-behind-70n-already-measured/; https://mkweather.com/norway-340c-behind-the-arctic-circle-16c-below-all-time-national-record-sweden-328c-finland-320c-2021/; https://mkweather.com/sweden-the-hottest-june-day-since-1947-346c-2021/; https://mkweather.com/finland-336c-02c-below-june-all-time-record-tampere-332c-the-highest-measured-temperature-in-history//.
In long-term outlook, all 16 next days should be in parts of Scandinavia tropical, with maximum temperatures above +30°C in some regions and approximately half of the days will be extremely hot, with maximum temperatures +34/+36°C, maybe +37°C, with many all-time temperature records.
Even, temperatures above +35°C should after 20. July again appear behind the Polar Circle according to current GFS, therefore stay informed and enjoy unusually hot Summer 2021.
Anomalous temperatures +32/+33°C on GFS outputs appeared on Sunday, 11. July 2021 on 8 maps for Scandinavia until 27. July 2021 – 8 days in the next period should therefore have a potential for temperatures +35°C or higher (+35/+36°C as our estimate).
If you visit ECMWF 6-week forecast charts /https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/charts/, you will notice, that Scandinavia will be until a 20. August anomalously hot – nordic countries therefore should experience with the hottest summer in history, this year, surprisingly, after extremely cold and long winter, when only in early Spring 2021 watchers speculated, that snow cover won´t melt in Summer 2021 in some regions /https://mkweather.com/finland-sweden-and-norway-fears-that-snow-wont-melt-in-the-summer//.

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wetterzentrale.de