Central Europe hit the next blizzards, some countries will be buried under the snow (up to 1 meter)

Already on Saturday, 4. December we have warned before severe blizzard conditions, which should hit parts of Central, Eastern Europe, Baltic countries, and Western Balkan /https://mkweather.com/arctic-winter-until-christmas-after-severe-blizzards-25c-in-metropolitan-areas//.
Now, extreme outputs are confirming and extreme amounts of snow will receive several countries.
The worst situation should be in Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, and Switzerland, where large parts will be hit by an unseasonably strong snowstorm, which should affect most of these countries.
Snow cover should in mentioned countries reach up to 1 meter in lower situated areas below 1000 MASL, even, in Danubian basin (lowlands in Slovakia + Moravia, Hungary), up to 50 cm is still possible.
Anomalous snowfall should hit southern Poland, southern Germany, parts of Austria, Hungary, western Ukraine, NW Romania, continental Croatia, mountainous Montenegro, and Albania, northern Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and a lot of snow will stay in Norway, Sweden, Finland and parts of northern and central European Russia.
Snow will appear in Scotland, mountains in France, Spain, or Italy, too, but parts of Southeastern Europe from Eastern Balkan to Eastern Ukraine and Turkey should stay without the snow.
The first round of extreme snowfall is forecasted for Central Europe already around Thursday and Friday, 9.-10. December 2021 and the second round early next week, around 13.-14. December 2021, so far.
Mainly the first round is very possible, therefore if you live in the region, watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.
About possible snowfall records, we will inform already at the end of the following workweek.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: tropicaltidbits.com