The tropical system hit Vietnam at the end of November and at the start of December 2021 with a result of severe floods.
18 dead or at least still missing from excessive rainfalls are reported.
In Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands region fell up to 34 inches / 864 mm in 72 hours during this period.
As much as 432 mm of rain fell in 24 hours to 29 November in Song Tranh in Quang Nam. The following 24 hour period My Thuan Lake in Binh Dinh saw 368 mm and Ea Bar in Phu Yen 429 mm according to floodlist.com.
Around 25,000 houses were flooded in the Central region.
Local landslides appeared, too.
Around 66,000 students in the province could not go to school due to the floods
Currently, the system 95W Invest is shifting towards the Philippines in the wider region, with possible floods.
Autumn 2021 was however in Vietnam relatively calm in comparison to extreme floods in Autumn 2020 /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Central_Vietnam_floods/.
Winter 2021-2022 forecast for Asia you should visit here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-asia-early-extreme-arctic-and-siberian-blasts-and-blizzards-late-dry-and-warm-conditions/.
Winter 2021-2022 forecast for Northern Hemisphere is available here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere/.
While southern and central parts of Southeastern Asia expect a very stormy winter, northern, continental parts should be relatively dry.
A lot of precipitation in the southern and central parts correlates with La Nina, wet MJO, and negative IOD patterns.

Illustration picture: Source – floodlist.com