Slovakia and Poland are preparing for the coldest night in European mid-latitudes in Winter 2021/2022 in densely populated regions below 1000 MASL!
Not only extremely low temperatures in Slovakia (-19,7°C in Poprad and Podolínec at 17:00, -21,0°C in Podolínec and -20,0°C in Poprad at 18:00, -22,1°C in Podolínec at 19:00, -22,7°C in Podolínec, -20,5°C in Rabča, -20,5°C in Červený Kláštor, -19,7°C in Plaveč and -19,7°C in Poprad and 20:00, -22,9°C in Podolínec, -22,0°C in Červený Kláštor, -20,5°C in Rabča and -20,2°C in Plaveč at 21:00, -22,8°C in Podolínec at 22:00, -23,2°C Podolínec, -22,4°C Červený Kláštor, -21,4°C Plaveč at 23:00 ***cloudiness from West is coming; 0:00 after an arrival of cloudiness up of to -22,6°C in Plaveč, -22,1°C in Červený Kláštor and -21,6°C in Plaveč), but anomalous decline of temperatures in early evening, 26. December 2021 in southern Poland, too!
From available data on IMGW /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249190560; all stations here: https://hydro.imgw.pl/#map/19.5,51.5,7,true,true,0/, only -20,4°C was reported from Jablonka, Orawa region, southern Poland only at 18:00 (26. December 2021)!
UPDATE: Wysova, -21,3°C at 20:00 /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249210230/.
UPDATE: Wysova, -21,8°C at 22:00 /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249210230/.
UPDATE: Wysova, -22,3°C at 23:00 /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249210230/.
Until 20:00, the temperature at stations in Orawa should be even lower, around -21/-22°C and -25°C in Poland is therefore in the morning, 27. December 2021, not impossible!
On the Slovakian border, in the region of Orava, -20,5°C was reported from Rabča at 20:00.
Slovakia and Poland therefore will dispose of the coldest temperature records from December coldwaves in continental Europe (European mid-latitudes), so far.
Important factors will be mainly cloudiness, deep snow cover, very low humidity, and calm winds above the region – in stations with excellent conditions, -27°C isn´t very rarely fully excluded.
Surprisingly low was the minimum temperature on 26. December 2021 in Mirowslawiec, northwestern Poland (above lowland), only -18,8°C. From hydrological stations, Wysova reported -19,3°C. Extremely cold air has shifted above the Carpathians from southern Norway, southern Sweden, Denmark, northern Germany, and northern Poland after Christmas, e.g. in warm Denmark were reported TOP3 coldest Christmas since 1874 (-17,5°C: https://mkweather.com/extremely-cold-and-white-christmas-in-denmark-skrydstrup-175c-top3-coldest-christmas-since-1874/).
Zakopane reported at 19:00 -14,7°C, so far, Lodz -15,2°C, or Kielce -14,9°C.
In southern Poland and northern Slovakia, on 26. December, rare Arctic days, with the maximum temperature below -10,0°C appeared.
Mkweather will be furthermore watching the situation of the coldest night in continental Europe and we will bring updates /in both articles for Slovakia and Poland/ or summary statistics from minimum temperatures for 27. December 2021, soon.