The next Arctic blast should surprise in Scandinavia (-40°C), England (-15°C) or Spain (-10°C), central Europe should be warmer

The next colder period in Europe will arrive already in winder interval around 4.-16. January 2022 (the coldest times for from British Islands to Turkey) – some regions should be very cold, while in some regions it should be a disappointment.
Extreme frosts, possibly below -40°C should hit mainly parts of Scandinavia with a peak already around 8. January 2022.
Extremely cold should be in England around 6. January 2022, maximally up to -15°C on places with a snow cover.
Spain should break -10°C around 10. January 2022 in valleys and basins below 1000 MASL.
Central Europe probably won´t reach -20°C and minimum temperatures in valleys and basins below 1000 MASL should reach only below -15°C.
Frosts gradually hit Balkan and Eastern Europe (here in 2 waves), the last region with frosts will be Turkey and the Caucasian area.
According to tool, snowfall, or at least snowflakes are expected above large parts of the continent, excluding western France, southern Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece, and some Danubian lowlands in Balkan / South-central Europe, too.
Blizzards will be possible in Eastern Europe and in mountainous parts of the continent.
The eastern half of the Mediterranean will be wetter than the western in the next 16 days.
Alternating morning frosts and daily temperatures above 0°C should cause in continental Europe relatively bad conditions for drivers, thanks to melting and re-freezing of snow and ice, therefore will be careful.
In our watch will be soon mainly Scandinavia and England, where anomalously cold temperatures should already in the next week appear.
Mkweather soon will prepare Spring 2022 forecasts for continents, therefore, stay watch weather with us.

Illustration picture. Source:,



