Slovakia is preparing for the coldest night in European mid-latitudes in Winter 2021/2022 in densely populated regions below 1000 MASL!
The temperature in Poprad, around 600-700 MASL dropped on 26. December at 17:00 to -19,8°C and simultaneously, weather warnings before extreme low temperatures up to -25°C are valid for the morning of 27. December 2021.
Very rarely, temperatures below -25°C, maybe up to -27°C aren´t fully excluded.
During Christmas 2021 (24.-26. December 2021) in many Carpathian basins and valleys was snowing, with a result of 20-30, rarely up to 40 cm of snowfall on 26. December 2021.
On deep snow cover, temperatures after sunset (at 17:00), 26.12. 2021, evening, have started to decline very sharply, with surprising temperatures up to -19,8°C in Poprad (600-700 MASL) and Podolínec (500-600 MASL) – Slovakian cities.
At 18:00 reported Podolínec -21,0°C and Poprad -20,0°C.
At 19:00 Podolínec with -22,1°C.
20:00: Podolínec -22,7°C, Červený Kláštor -20,5°C, Rabča -20,5°C, Plaveč -19,7°C, Poprad -19,7°C
21:00: -22,9°C in Podolínec, -22,0°C in Červený Kláštor, -20,5°C in Rabča and -20,2°C in Plaveč at 21:00
22:00: -22,8°C Podolínec
23:00: -23,2°C Podolínec, -22,4°C Červený Kláštor, -21,4°C Plaveč ***cloudiness from West is coming
0:00: -22,6°C Podolínec, -22,1°C Červený Kláštor, -21,6°C Plaveč – cloudiness is here
+18:00: Jablonka, Orawa, Poland -20,4°C /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249190560/
+20:00: Wysova, Poland -21,3°C at 20:00 and -21,1°C at 21:00, -22,3°C at 23:00 /https://hydro.imgw.pl/#station/meteo/249210230/.
Poprad is the biggest city under the highest part of Carpathians, with a population of almost 60 000. It belongs to TOP10 biggest Slovakian cities nowadays.
In the last days, before Christmas, -33,3°C was measured in Switzerland, but in 1200 MASL and not a very densely populated region of Jura Alps /https://mkweather.com/amburnex-combe-switzerland-333c-the-strongest-frosts-of-winter-2021-2022-in-continental-europe-so-far//.
In Serbia, in the similar elevation, -23,8°C was before the Christmas measured /https://mkweather.com/karajukica-bunari-serbia-238c-balkan-eastern-europe-and-the-baltic-regions-with-15-20c-the-next-mornings-will-be-colder//.
During an early December 2021 coldwaves, the lowest temperature was measured in southeastern France, -22,0°C /https://mkweather.com/220c-in-pontets-france//.
Slovakia should be, therefore, a possible winner of the coldest temperature in early December winter blasts in European mid-latitudes (continental Europe) in densely populated regions below 1000, or only below 800 or below 600 MASL, because in the morning 27. December 2021, very probably will be measured the lowest temperature in mid-latitudes (continental Europe) in the month, so far, with a possibility of around -25/-27°C.
Extremely cold should be southern Poland or northern Hungary, and extreme frosts are waiting for western Ukraine, too.
Already in a few hours, we will see, how deep will minimum temperature decrease, and Mkweather will update information from the Carpathians.