March 6, 2025

22 thoughts on “After floods in Kumasi, Ghana, 7 dead

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    Bowser’s Fury is the all-new expansion and one of Mario’s most experimental outings to date. Mario strikes up an unlikely partnership with Bowser Jr and is tasked with collecting cat-shaped shines and restoring colour and light to the land. In some ways, it reminds me of Mario Sunshine mixed with Super Mario Galaxy. The perspective shifts to a behind-the-player one, just like in the aforementioned games. It’s an interesting switch from Super Mario 3D World, and the juxtaposition makes Bowser’s Fury feel even fresher.  These bits also present a disappointing issue. While Bowser’s Fury runs at 720p60 on TV, the framerate tends to dip a little when Bowser turns up and rain, fire and debris begin to flood the scene. On handheld, the framerate caps out at 30 normally and then dips further at the same points, which is uncharacteristic of a first-party Nintendo game. It doesn’t ruin the fun by any stretch, but it’s not often you equate a big-ticket Mario game with performance issues like this.

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