Autumn weather has come to parts of Europe around a month sooner, than usual.Autumn weather has come to parts of Europe
Cold weather is persisting in western Europe since the last July´s pentade and currently, coldwave in N/NW/W/SW Europe is peaking and cold air is flooding all continental Europe.
The first August 2021 workweek brought very low minimum temperatures in northern, western, and southwestern Europe.
Bortnan in central Sweden (467 MASL) reported in the morning real frost, with minimum temperature -1,5°C.
In West Freugh, the UK (11 MASL), the minimum temperature dropped to +2,7°C and ground frosts were rarely possible.
Very cold was in southern France and northern Spain, too – Mende in France (932 MASL) reported +5,9°C and Vitoria, Spain (513 MASL) +6,0°C, which is at the level of all-time cold records for the region.
Very cold were maximum temperatures in southern France, too, in lower situated regions only +10/+15°C.
Meanwhile, Greece and Balkan reported the hottest day in Europe in Summer 2021 (2. August 2021), Greece should report +46/+47°C, in North Macedonia, almost +45°C was measured.
According to forecasts, all current workweek is expected to be very cold in northern, western and continental parts of Europe, and too Iberia, northern Italy and even, northwestern African coast.
Between 6.-14. August, cold anomaly will be strong only regionally, but between 15.-20. August 2021, GFS sees the next chance of a bigger coldwave from the west.
According to the ECMWF 6-week forecast, summer weather is forecasted to return to many parts of Europe in the second half of August and early September 2021.
Source: wxcharts.com