While southern Italy and Greece will be hit by severe coldwave in the last August 2021 days only minimally /https://mkweather.com/the-next-45c-heatwave-for-italy-greece-balkan-between-22-august-2-september-2021//, almost all European continent – mainly northern and continental parts will sink into the first autumn cooldown of cold season 2021/2022!
A powerful coldwave is projected mainly for the last Summer 2021 pentade, from 26. August into the start of September 2021, with really cold times for many European countries!
GFS returned values around +4/+7°C for parts of the British Islands, France, Germany, the Alpine and Carpathian region, East-Central Europe, Eastern Europe or Baltic states, and for Scandinavia, frosts are forecasted. It should mean, that in frost valleys, temperatures should be around 3°C lower than outputted values – rarely around +1/+4°C, with the first ground frosts of the season!
Very cold will be mainly mountainous frost valleys and basins, but into interval +10/+5°C will drop temperatures in large parts of the continent, including lowlands, mornings will be therefore very fresh and for return of summer temperatures Europe will be waiting until early September.
Maximum temperatures during these cold days, especially near showers, cloudiness, wind, or heavy rain should reach regionally only +15/+20°C, but the windchill will be even lower – during the daytime regionally only +10°C!
If you live in the coldest parts of your country or in the mountains, will be prepared for a powerful cooldown and protect your sensitive summer plants and flowers.
Hot weather will quickly return mainly in the Mediterranean, but long-term forecasts are saying, that British Islands and southern Europe will be experiencing warm / hot September 2021, yet /https://mkweather.com/6-week-forecast-for-europe-the-first-ground-frosts-for-eastern-europe-and-summer-times-for-nw-europe-and-the-mediterranean//. In continental and regionally northern parts of Europe, summer days will very probably return during the first half, in the south the second half of September, yet.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de