Extremely heatwaves in Turkey and Russia in July 2020 were linked with extremely hot air mass, persisting over northern Middle East.
The most extreme days region alives these days – in Baghdad on Wednesday 29. July 2020 meteorologist measured all-time maximum temperature record, +51,8°C / 125°F and on Thursday is expected, that temperatures can reach +53°C / +127°F. It won´t be so far from national temperature record +53,8°C / 129°F from Basra, 23. July 2016 and Asian continental record from Mittribah, Kuwait, +53,9°C from 21. July 2016 /https://www.idokep.hu/hirek/melegrekord-bagdadban:-518-fokot-mertek; https://www.9news.com.au/national/heatwave-record-baghdad-middle-east-hotter-weather-yet-to-come/8b73cd0f-3e64-48aa-8a84-fb6c536fbec3; https://news.yahoo.com/temperature-soars-124-ancient-desert-204217413.html/.
Extremely hot is these days in Syria and Israel, too. In Syrian city Hassakah was measured on Wednesday +50,0°C / 122°F and in Isreali Eilat +44,2°C / 112°C. Is possible that this air can move during first half of August 2020 to Turkey, Caucasian area and parts of Eastern Europe, mainly Black sea region.

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