After Friday´s extreme cold morning, with minimum temperature –6,7°C (19,9°F) in International Falls station, Minnesota /https://mkweather.com/2020/09/18/record-breaking-coldwave-international-falls-67c-19-9f-canada-132c-8-2f-greenland-294c-20-9f//, next cold mornings has come above northern and eastern part of eastern-half of US and eastern Canada. In many parts of US frosts has come 2-3 weeks earlier as usual in 2020.
Frosts has continued last 4 days in Minnesota, Michigan, New Hampshire and Maine, with minimum temperature -6,6°C in International Falls on Saturday.
Washington D.C. has reported the coldest September days for 20 years – two consecutive mornings below 40°F (4,4°C) hasn´t been reported in US capital in September since 2000.
In Buffalo has reached +3,3°C in Saturday morning, a new record of minimum temperature for 19. September.
Syracuse, New York has reported +1,1°C on Saturday morning, all-time record (no so low temperatures has measured here since 1943).
In Ottawa, temperature dropped to +0,3°C on Saturday, 19. September 2020 – the lowest temperature on 19. September in the city ever. In Sault St. Marie Airport was measured -2,2°C, too new all-time record for 19. September /electroverse.net/.
On Saturday, 19. September, regular frosts were reported from International Falls, Minnesota, 361 MASL (-6,6°C), Houghton Lake, Michigan, 340 MASL (-3,3°C), Alpena, Michigan, 210 MASL (-2,2°C), Concord, New Hampshire, 105 MASL (-2,2°C), Duluth, Minnesota, 435 MASL (-2,1°C), Flint, Michigan, 238 MASL (-1,1°C) and Caribou, Maine, 191 MASL (-1,0°C).
On Sunday, Houghton Lake was reported -3,3°C, Concor -2,8°C, Alpena -2,1°C, Caribou and Flint -1,1°C.
On Monday, in Caribou and Concord was -2,8°C and in Houghton Lake -0,5°C.
On Tuesday, Concord has reported -2,8°C and Caribou -2,7°C.
A belt of record low temperatures early this week stretching from eastern Canada to Florida, with many extreme low temperature reports during Monday and Tuesday 21.-22. September 2020.
Powerful coldwave is partially a result of path of hurricanes Sally and Teddy eastward from US eastern coast during last 10 days.
Hurricane Teddy on Tuesday and Wednesday 22.-23. September hits Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Foundland /https://mkweather.com/2020/09/22/hurricane-teddy-hits-nova-scotia-and-nowfounldland-rain-and-wind-causes-rough-seas-across-east-coast-of-us//.