Between the last and upcoming cold blasts, a shorter warm period has come above Iceland, Scotland and Scandinavia.
Dalatangi, Iceland reported on Friday, 17. December 2021 very warm +16,1°C, which is 5°C above temperature average high for July.
This temperature is only 0,5°C above all-time December record for a close village Mjóifjörður /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B3ifj%C3%B6r%C3%B0ur/.
It´s a new date max-t record for the country, the old being 15,0°C (2007).
In December 13 daily max-t records >16.0°C appeared in Iceland. The monthly December record in the country is 19.7°C (2. 12. 2019) according to Climate Change World Media Newshub 24/7.
Winter inversions with sunny and very warm weather in the mountains hit Scotland, too.
In Cairnwell, a maximum temperature reached +14,2°C, while in valley hit relatively severe frosts (up to -6°C).
Warm air has already shifted above Scandinavia – mainly Norway and Sweden, where many daily temperature records were in the last days broken.
Rekdal, Norway reported on Saturday, 18. December, +12,1°C.
Uppsala, Sweden, surprised with +10,5°C on Saturday, only before 10 days, temperature in the city dropped to -20,0°C.
Cold weather however will return into Europe very quickly – already from 20. December in Central Europe will appear again ice days, with maximum temperatures below 0°C and Siberian winter, with a possible -30°C in continental parts, is in outlook (the next Mkweather articles).

Illustration picture: https://www.traveloffpath.com/norway-imposes-strict-entry-requirements-on-eu-travelers/