Notified heavy rains and strong winds hit wide region of western Europe from Spain to Norway and the worst situation was at the weekend reported from the UK (mainly Wales and southwestern England).
Whitebarrow in Devon recorded 138mm / 24 hours on Friday, 18. December, Princetown in Devon 111mm and Dartmoor 91 mm. In Wales, Llyn-y-Fan Blaenau in Carmarthenshire recorded 98mm and Tyn-Y-Waun, Glamorgan 82 mm on 18 December /Met Office, Floodlist.com/.
At the same time, on Friday, 18. December, maximum wind gust in Cairngorm has reached 154 km/h.
Severe winds above 100 km/h has been reported during last days from more stations from Spain to Norway and heavy rains haven´t been only concern of England and Wales, but too other countries in the region.
Moreover, next heavy rains within a part of polar vortex, which will be send above Europe until the end of the year 2020, are expected over western half of Europe – mainly Benelux, western Germany, eastern and northern France, London region and later Italy and Adriatic, too, with next possible local or regional floods, but later too snowstorms.
As we have mentioned in Christmas 2020 forecast, until 5. January is expected snowing and snow cover in many parts of Europe /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/20/europe-christmas-2020-and-new-year-2021-forecast-all-europe-under-the-snow-soon-severe-christmas-cooldown-and-heavy-forsts-during-new-year-celebrations//. However, firstly will come in western parts of Europe, on the front side of cyclonic systems, heavy rain in very warm air.
In the UK, Christmas – already from 24. December, will be cold and stormy, in colder parts even with snowfall. As cyclonic system such as large part of polar vortex will be shifting above Europe until the end of the year 2020, cold air and snowing will flood from northwest many parts of Europe and floods risk will shift mainly into northern and western Mediterranean /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/21/medicane-elaina-in-eastern-mediterranean-next-expected-floods-for-n-and-w-mediterranean//.
While during the Christmas, gradual cooldown is expected in continental Europe /https://mkweather.com/2020/12/20/europe-christmas-2020-and-new-year-2021-forecast-all-europe-under-the-snow-soon-severe-christmas-cooldown-and-heavy-forsts-during-new-year-celebrations//, Silvester and New Year will be already cold, with frosts, in west-Central Europe severe.
In next series of articles, Mkweather will publish forecasts for Europe, the USA and Canada and World for January 2021, soon.
Infographics: celex.s205.xrea.com, Youtube, Twitter, wxcharts.com, meteologix.com: