In our forecast trip associated with upcoming heatwaves, we should move into Eastern Europe – Ukraine, Belarus, and European Russia.
While in southern European Russia, temperatures above +40°C will be soon possible, in Belarus and Ukraine, +32/+38°C will be widespread maximum temperatures in many places during the period 8.-17. July 2021 – during a long-expected 10-day heatwave.
While +32°C should be measured in northern regions of Belarus, +38°C should later appear in Crimea.
In Russia, heatwaves will persist even longer, until the 3rd July 2021 decade.
The hottest will be the start of the next week, around Monday and Tuesday, 12.-13. July 2021, when all Belarus and Ukraine will be flooded by the extremely hot air of Saharan origin.
Extremely hot weather hit the Baltic region and Finland, too, which will be the topic of the next article.
Forecasts for Spain, Portugal / Italy, Balkan and Central Europe we published on /https://mkweather.com/spain-and-portugal-at-the-weekend-49c-gfs-all-time-records-are-473c-and-474c/; https://mkweather.com/italy-45c-and-balkan-42c-the-3rd-peak-of-deadly-heatwaves-on-thursday-8-july-2021-expected/; https://mkweather.com/heatwave-in-central-europe-hungary-40c-austria-slovakia-39c-czechia-37c-poland-36c-germany-32c-july-2021//.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de