Already in the previous article, we described, that NAO+ pattern forecasts are still confirming for large periods in February and March 2022 /https://mkweather.com/early-spring-should-be-peaking-around-13-27-february-2022-nao-in-march-2022-will-be-even-warmer//.
Now, we should look at new ECMWF 6-week temperature and precipitation anomalies forecast maps, which expect a very similar evolution of weather in the following 6 weeks.
According to these outputs, early spring already in the next weeks will arrive above parts of British Islands, Scandinavia, continental Europe, and Iberia (and to parts of northern Italy, northern Adriatic, or northern Ukraine), which are good news for people who like outdoor activities.
Sunny weather with good temperature comfort, during the peaking of warm spells, up to +20°C in mid-latitudes and up to 28°C in Spain, should mean after extremely warm New Year the second potential to winter record high temperatures.
Temperature records will be possible in Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, northern Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, northern Ukraine, northern Croatia, northern Romania, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and parts of European Russia.
Only European, Asian, and African parts of the Mediterranean will stay very cold, possibly with clear nights with frosts, but drier and warmer days.
Stronger winter should be persisting mainly in Eastern Mediterranean, íncluding NE-African and the Middle-Eastern parts.
The most stormy will be Scandinavia and Scotland, in the first weeks Central Europe, too.
Drought in the Mediterranean will be one of the main signs of NAO+.
After cold winter, therefore, will be prepared for significant warming and very good weather conditions for various activities.

Illustration picture. Source: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/charts

Temperature anomalies. Source: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/charts

Precipitation anomalies. Source: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/charts