In this article, we will look at ESRL composites for the last month – January 2022 and Winter 2021/2022 in Europe, so far.
Cold temperature anomalies in January 2022 were pushed from the north above the Pyrenees region, the eastern half of the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the northern Middle East, while Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and less Benelux and the British Islands were warmer than average, the most in the Baltic region, northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula.
More snowfall and rainfall appeared in the eastern half of a wider European region, from Norway to Lebanon, Israel and northern Iraq, the western half of Europe, Italy and Western Balkan were drier than average, most, probably thanks to NAO+ at the start of the month and at the end of the month in Ireland and Portugal.
Geopotential was low in eastern parts and high in western parts of the continent, with severe coldwaves mainly in the middle of gradient – above East-Central Europe, or Balkan.
WINTER 2021/2022:
Winter 2021/2022 appears warmer in central parts of Europe from England and Denmark to Ukraine and Bulgaria, colder are mainly Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Ural region, Russia.
Above-average precipitation in winter were observed in eastern parts of the continent, but too in central Germany and central France, or the Pyrenees, so far. Extreme snowfall and rainfall appeared mainly in Greece, western and southern Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, and Libya. Dry were mainly western parts of Europe.
Geopotential height was lower than average in eastern and higher in western parts of the continent.
In February 2022, NAO+ will bring frequent Azores high above Europe, with higher geopotential, lower precipitation totals, and higher temperatures, which will have a contribution to the overall character of the winter /https://mkweather.com/early-spring-is-coming-nao-with-blocking-admixtures-will-bring-very-warm-february-and-march-2022-in-europe/; https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-forecast-for-europe-temperatures-up-to-22c-in-mid-latitudes-and-28c-in-the-mediterranean-in-february-and-25c-30c-in-march/; https://mkweather.com/early-spring-is-coming-nao-with-blocking-admixtures-will-bring-very-warm-february-and-march-2022-in-europe//.
Spring 2022 forecast for Europe you will find here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-forecast-for-europe-early-dry-late-stormy-very-warm/.

Source: https://psl.noaa.gov/data/composites/day/