In the last article, we recapitulated a character of weather in Europe in January 2022 and Winter 2021/2022, so far /https://mkweather.com/esrl-composites-for-europe-january-2022-and-winter-2021-2022-so-far//.
Now we will look at the USA (Canada, Mexico) and their temperature, precipitation, and air pressure (geopotential) anomalies during the same periods.
An extremely cold temperature anomaly above eastern Canada and the eastern USA during January 2022 is evident, especially in the Great Lakes region. Cold anomaly reached above Texas and NE Mexico.
Warm anomalies appeared above western Mexico, California, Arizona, SW Canada, and N Rocky Mountains and in the Nova Scotia region, too.
Wet anomalies appeared above the northern Pacific coast, northern Atlantic coast, NE Caribbean, and eastern Mexico.
The strongest dry anomaly was detected above California, where wildfires appeared.
Geopotential was low in Hudson Bay and Eastern USA, while the western part of the continent reported above-average conditions.
WINTER 2021/2022
In December 2022 were persisting diametrically different conditions, with extremely warm weather above the eastern USA, which is a reason for very high-temperature anomaly for the almost USA for Winter.2021/2022, so far, especially Midwest.
Canada preserved a very cold character.
A wet anomalies was detected in the Kentucky region, NW USA, New Foundland, Nova Scotia, NE Caribbean, western Great Lakes, and E Mexico.
Dry anomalies appeared above northern Texas, S Midwest, East Coast, southern Caribbean, and northward from Vancouver, such as in western Mexico.
Low geopotential anomaly hit mainly Canada (especially central parts) and the northern USA, above N Pacific appeared NE Pacific Warm Blob.
In the USA, winter blasts until 20. February, although moving northward, will be still possible. Between 20.2. 2022 – 15.3. 2022 early-spring weather in many parts of the USA, many southern and eastern USA, is predicted /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-forecast-for-the-usa-and-canada-mexico-the-last-3-weeks-of-the-winter-then-early-spring//. Northern USA, therefore, should experience with relatively colder winter, while warm anomalies from many southern and central third will be preserved.

Source: https://psl.noaa.gov/data/composites/day/