Europe again under the snow! The next peak of winter brings regional blizzards (20-50 cm)!

In the last article, we were informed before a severe Siberian blast, which should hit Europe around 17.-20. January 2022 / This cold blast should bring in many parts of the continent the lowest temperatures of Winter 2021/2022, so far (a peak of Winter 2021/2022).
While in Scandinavia frosts hit earlier /, the rest of Europe will be waiting for extremely cold conditions 10 days, yet, although, cold or very cold (75. or 90. percentile) should be regionally already in the next days, too.
Severe cold blasts until 20. January 2022, mainly in the 4th pentad of the month, should bring regional blizzard conditions into Europe, according to current GFS outputs.
The worst should be the situation in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and mountainous parts of continental Europe, Balkan, but too in mountainous basins and valleys in British Islands or Spain, where 20-50 cm is regionally possible.
Surprisingly high snow cover should create in the eastern half of France, southern or central Germany, but deep snow cover is possible for Poland, the Baltic region, Ukraine, Balkan and Carpathian and Alpine countries, too.
Blizzards should be regionally associated with severe winds and very low windchill (real-feel temperatures).
Traveling problems, uprooted trees or power outages should appear in the regions with severe snowfall.
Forecasts, which regions will be hit by severe snowfall will be changing, yet and Mkweather will bring updates of the most probable hit regions.
So far, however, -45°C is possible in Scandinavia, -30°C in Eastern Europe, -25°C in continental Europe and Turkey, -20°C in France, Balkan and northern Italy, -18°C in the UK or Spain or -15°C in Benelux below 1000 MASL during the peak of the outbreak (link above).


The last 6 runs of GFS – expected snowfall in Europe. Source: