Summer 2021/2022 in South America has started with extreme heatwaves in Chile and Patagonia, Argentina.
In Lontue (Maule Region), Chile, +40,5°C was at the weekend measured, which is an extremely high value for December.
This temperature is only 0,3°C below the monthly national record for Chile.
According to /https://twitter.com/extremetemps/, extreme +37,1°C was measured even in the Atacama desert in elevations 1700 MASL.
From regions, Valparaiso reported +38,1°C, Metropolitana +39,2°C, O Higgins +38,1°C, Nuble +39,4°C, Bio Bio +37,9°C and Araucania +36,6°C.
Extremely hot air is gradually shifting above Patagonia, Argentina, with additional temperature records.
All hot period is arriving after a cyclonic period in the La Plata region, with severe floods in Uruguay in the last November days.
Materials from floods in Uruguayan cities you should find below the article.
It was hit more large cities in the country, with the most affected departments Soriano, Rocha, and Colonia.
The Rio Grande do Sul reported 125,3 mm of rain during the rainfall event.
115 mm in Nueva Helvecia (Colonia), 114 mm in El Cerro (Colonia), 106 mm in Ombúes de Lavalle (Colonia), 94.8 in La Paloma (Rocha), 91 mm in Cardona (Soriano ) and 85 mm in Agraciada (Soriano) was reported.
Summer 2021/2022 forecast for South America you should find here: https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast/.