Already on Saturday, 20. February 2021, Socoa, southwestern France reported strong foehn winds with temperature minimum +19,0°C and maximum +24,2°C.
On Sunday, minimum temperature reached +17,3°C and maximum for now, +23,7°C, but it is very possible, that until late afternoon, +25,0°C somewhere in southwestern France, will be overcame.
Extremely warm Saharan air from western Africa is flowing above Europe and masses of Saharan dust are during next days over many states forecasted.
Not only Saharan dust, but too extremely, regionally record temperatures are prepared for many countries in continental Europe and Balkan during the next workweek.
In Benelux and western Germany, maximum temperatures up to +22°C are possible already on Monday, 22. Feburary 2021 and all-time winter records for this region are only around +20°C – therefore, only a week after extreme Siberian coldwave, records of maximum winter temperatures are possible.
Extremely warm weather quickly spreads across Central Europe until Thursday, with exceeding +20°C in almost all contries, including cold Poland, Czechia or Slovakia. Temperature records for winter in these states are too only around +20°C and it is possible that will be broken.
On Friday, 26. February, very warm will be only in southern parts of Central Europe, but extremely warm weather will shift above Balkan, where summer days (above +25°C) are gradually possible.
Warm spell such this probably won´t come into Europe until 15. March 2021 – at the weekend 27.-28. February and during the first half of March 2021, return of cold, during the peak, winter, weather is expected.
If you live in Europe, you should use this warm times for leisure time, outdoor activities of gardening, after 2 months of extremely cold winter period it will be very appropriate!

Forecast for the next workweek (22.-26. February 2021) for continental Europe /wetterzentrale.de