Already in one of the last articles, we informed about a short, but impressive Arctic blast in Europe around the current weekend /https://mkweather.com/spring-weather-in-europe-interrupts-a-short-arctic-blast-30c-in-scandinavia-20c-in-the-carpathians-and-15c-in-scotland-in-the-next-days-possible//.
Temperatures are really extremely low, in Scandinavia up to -30°C, but surprisingly cold was on Saturday, 12. February 2022 already in the Alps or Czechia and the next, Sunday´s 13. February 2022, will be extremely cold in the Carpathian countries.
In Amburnex Combe, Switzerland, the minimum temperature dropped to only -24,8°C /https://www.agrometeo.ch/ /, which is only approximately 8°C warmer, than the minimum of Winter 2021/2022 at the station from Christmas time /https://mkweather.com/amburnex-combe-switzerland-333c-the-strongest-frosts-of-winter-2021-2022-in-continental-europe-so-far//.
Severe frosts up to -18,0°C (Rokytská Slať) were reported from Czechia, too /w.ifrog.cz/teploty.php?sort=tu#temp /. In Rokytská Slať, currently, 115 cm of snow cover is accumulated.
In Austria, temperatures dropped below -15°C at stations within the International Exchange Site, so far.
The following morning, 13. February should be extremely cold in Czechia, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, but too in Hungary, the Baltic region, or in Balkan.
Temperatures in many mentioned countries will drop in valleys below -15°C, rarely below -20°C.
After a short period with severe frosts, an extreme warning will come already in the next workweek, with temperatures above +20°C, maybe up to +22°C in southern Central Europe /https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-is-coming-the-next-warm-spell-should-surprise-with-30c-in-spain-27c-in-france-25c-in-italy-and-balkan-22c-in-central-europe-20c-in-ukraine-and-18//.
Extremely warm will be all Europe, including Iberia (+30°C), the Mediterranean (above +25°C), southern France (+27°C), Balkan (+25°C), Benelux or the British Islands (+18°C, maybe +20°C), SW Ukraine (+20°C) or southern Scandinavia (+14°C).
Already in the next articles we will update NAO+ outlook and ECMWF 6-week forecasts almost until the end of March 2022, therefore stay watch weather with us.

Illustration picture: https://antongalitch.com/exploring-winter-scenes-in-appenzell-switzerland/

Source: https://www.agrometeo.ch/