Extreme warm start of November 2020 had peak in Germany on Monday, 2. November, with almost summer measured maximum daily temperatures in the warmest – southwestern parts of the country!
DWD in its Twitter page before 12:00 informed, that temperatures up to +25°C are rarely possible.
Finally, +24,0°C was measured in Bad Dürkheim in Rheinland-Pfalz /https://www.daswetter.com/nachrichten/aktuelles/extremwaerme-dutzende-novemberrekorde-sind-gefallen-hitze-wetter.html/, what is only 0,2°C from all-time national November record from Muenchen, +24,2°C, which is mentioned on page /https://www.bunte.de/family/leben/wetter-tipps/wetter-deutschland-temperaturrekorde-bleibt-der-november-so-warm.html/. On map from DWD is available value +25,9°C for southeastern edge of Germany, yet, but for unknown station.
In western and northern parts of Germany, November records has been overcame in many places. Offenbach has reported +22,7°C, Frankfurt a. M. +22,3°C, Magdeburg +21,0°C, Berlin +20,9°C, Mannheim +20,8°C, Stuttgart +20,7°C, Koeln +20,6°C and Duesseldorf and Obersdorf +20,3°C.
In Hohenpeissenberg, Bavaria, 977 MASL, maximum temperature has reached summer +20,1°C near foehn winds.
Extremely warm has been in Austria, Switzerland and Benelux too. In Dornbirn, Austria was measured +23,0°C, in Delemont, Switzerland +22,8°C, in Vaduz, Lichtenstein +21,1°C, in Arcen, Netherlands +20,4°C and in Antverp, Belgium +20,3°C.
+21,9°C has been reported from Strassburg and +20,4°C from Vienna.
In Spain, Moron de la Frontera, almost tropical day has been measured, with maximum temperature +29,8°C.
Extreme warm air will shift on Tuesday, 3. November above Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and east Austria, with next-record breaking temperatures in the region /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/02/23c-in-east-central-europe-on-tuesday-3-november-expected//.
In Balkan and European Mediterranean, temperatures are regionally reaching +25/+30°C these days.