Only in the last article, we were informed about the severe and deadly blizzard in Pakistan, which buried under the snow tourists on their way into winter resort /https://mkweather.com/a-snowstorm-in-pakistan-buried-tourists-before-the-arrival-to-a-winter-resort-23-dead//.
Western Disturbances are however bringing extremely cold weather and snowfall into India, too.
In southern regions, record cold temperatures were before a few days (on 9. January 2022) s measured – e.g. minimum temperature in Mumbai reached only +13,2°C and maximum temperature only +25,1°C, which are the coldest night and the coldest day in the metropolitan city in the last 10 years (since 2012).
Mumbai’s all-time lowest temperature in history is +7,4°C recorded in 1962.
People in Mumbai were therefore wrapped in blankets and winter clothes in the last days.
Winter is peaking in Kashmir, too, with only -11,5°C in Gulmarg and a lot of snow in many Kashmir regions.
In the highest populated parts of India, in Dras, around 3300 MASL, temperatures should drop to around or below -20°C.
According to long-term forecasts, cold and stormy/snowy weather should persist in the Middle East and northern India until the end of January and too in February 2022, while in Europe, a gradual NAO+ with early Spring conditions is predicted /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-6-week-forecast-for-europe-until-21-february-2022//.
Near NAO+, Mediterranean lows activity will stop and Western Disturbances above the Middle East and India will stop to move, with a few week lags, too.
Early Spring conditions for India, therefore, sometimes from late February 2022 or early March 2022 will be possible (Mkweather estimate).
Spring 2022 forecast for Asia is available here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-forecast-for-asia/.

Illustration picture: Firstpost Twitter

Illustration picture: himalayanpost.com