It is not known for now, if second big heatwave in Europe during this summer will be stronger than first (Spain +45,7°C, Italy +42,0°C, France +41,9°C, Balkan +41,5°C, Germany +38,4°C, UK +37,8°C, Austria +37,2°C), but is very probably, that the next, August, heatwave will be in many parts of continent longer.
Outputs of forecast models are confirmed and from Thursday, over continental Europe and England from the weekend, they are excepting long-duration heatwave over parts of Europe, except of Scandinavia and parts of northeastern Europe, only.
Firstly is needed to be prepared to the storm round – mainly in southern and eastern Central Europe, Italy and Balkan /https://mkweather.com/2020/08/03/red-storm-warnings-germany-italy-alpine-and-carpathian-region-balkan-including-dalmatia-and-greece-poland-and-baltic-states-with-severe-storms-at-the-start-of-august-2020//, then will come back hot summer temperatures from southern latitudes.
Above England, hot air can persist 3 days around the weekend, in Germany and France 7-8 days and in southeastern parts of Central Europe around 10 days! Over parts of Balkan can be over +30°C more than 12 days regionally and permanent heatwave Spain, Greece and Turkey are waiting (except of northern parts).
Temperatures could reach in UK +35°C, in France +40°C, in Central Europe +38°C, in Balkan +42°C an in Spain, Italy and Turkey up to +45°C.
Summer 2020 didn´t say the last word, yet, and we will be pleased (or triggered) by holiday European weather.
Expected duration of the next heatwave above Europe (estimate) and 16-day animations of T850 hPa and its anomaly (T850hPa +17°C = maximum temperature in your country)

Illustration photos: https://wallhere.com/en/wallpaper/1690783; https://jooinn.com/img/get