While in southern Argentina are still persisting a winter conditions /https://mkweather.com/2020/10/04/argentina-the-second-spring-month-and-still-is-snowing//, northward from stormtrack, in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina and Chile is extremely hot, with wildfires and severe drought.
The worst situation is currently reported from Paraguay, where has been measured all-time maximum temperature record, +45,5°C / 113.9°F on 26. September 2020 (previous national record of the highest maximum temperature, +45,0°C, came from 14. November 2009) and after extreme heatwaves, recorded wildfires caught fire.
On 5. October, more than 10 000 fires are reported over the all country, with declared national emergency.
Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil are also struggling to contain fires that threaten to reach historic levels amid drought and dry weather. /http://www.laht.com/article.asp?CategoryId=14090&ArticleId=2495836; https://uk.news.yahoo.com/paraguay-declares-state-emergency-forest-005528754.html/.
River Paraguay has reached the lowest levels for last 50 years and rainfall over country isn´t expected until Wednesday, 7. October 2020.
Only 30 kilometres from the capital, Asuncion, wildfires have destroyed 50 000 hectares in the northwestern territory of El Chaco territory. /https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=60404&SEO=paraguay-is-burning/. Wildfires hit urban areas such as Areguá, Luque, Ayolas, Remansito and Bajo Chaco, many were evacuated.
Until 21. October, according to wxcharts.com / GFS model, only few millimeters of rain are expected in western Paraguay, southeastern Bolivia and parts of northern Argentina, northern Chile and eastern Patagonia. It is possible, that wildfire season could be even worse.