In the last days, a severe blizzard hit the eastern USA and eastern Canada, with the next stocks of Arctic air masses on the backside of the system (information about a winterstorm in SE USA will be updated, yet).
Parts of eastern Canada on 14.-15. January 2021 experienced the coldest times of the current winter when temperatures dropped into the interval -40/-45°C.
In Quebec, the coldest was in Rivière aux Feuilles, only -44,4°C.
In Ontario, -40,6°C in Kapuskasing was measured.
From metropolitan cities, Quebec City reported -28,0°C, Ottawa -26,8°C, Montreal -25,7°C, and Toronto -21,1°C.
Moreover, parts of eastern Canada were covered by deep snowfall from blizzard, with many regions reporting snow calamity, including easternmost parts such as Nova Scotia.
Heavy snowfall was even reported in Southeast, the USA and Florida reported a strong tornado outbreak /will be updated soon/.
The character of the first half of Winter 2021/2022 in the region you should find described here: https://mkweather.com/esrl-composites-for-the-usa-the-1st-half-of-winter-2021-2022-and-the-first-2-weeks-of-january-2022/.
CFS forecast for the next months for the region is available here: https://mkweather.com/strong-and-deadly-tornado-season-and-early-wildfires-the-next-months-bring-in-the-usa-turbulent-times/.
Finally, the Spring 2022 forecast for North America is available here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-forecast-for-north-america/

Source: Thierry Goose Twitter