The southern half of South America experienced in the last days an extreme heatwave, which was replaced by severe cold frontal boundary.
The worst of all countries probably has ended Uruguay, where all-time temperature record of +44,0°C in Florida on 14. January 2022, while only in the last hours, from 16. to 17. January 2022, an extremely strong cold front, with a 24-hour rainfall total of 142 mm in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, fell, with a result of a flash flood.
Buenos Aires broke a record from previous days /https://mkweather.com/buenos-aires-411c-the-second-hottest-day-in-history-uruguay-419c-brazil-415c-and-will-be-worse// and +41,5°C was measured in the city on 14. January 2022, which is the second-highest temperature in the city and the highest temperature for more than 70 years.
Bagè, southern Brazil reported +41,7°C – a new all-time regional record.
About extreme heatwaves in South America in the last period, we were informed here: https://mkweather.com/pozo-hondo-argentina-466c-paraguay-with-a-new-national-record-456c-hot-and-dry-january-2022-is-forecast/; https://mkweather.com/rividavia-argentina-460c-29c-below-all-time-record-paraguay-with-453c-w-new-december-national-record-buenos-aires-401c-new-december-record-and-patagonia-with-wi/.
Meanwhile, in central and northern Brazil, extreme floods are continuing /http://mkweather.com/brazil-faces-an-unprecedented-rain-season-more-than-500-cities-under-flood-emergency-floodwater-is-high-up-to-roofs-of-houses/; https://mkweather.com/floods-in-sao-paulo-more-than-100-mm-in-2-hours//, in the last hours with the next severe floods in Minas Gerais province (Uberlandia).
According to Summer 2021/2022 and Autumn 2022 forecasts for South America, this La Nina pattern will continue in the next months, with the very hot and dry southern and stormy northern half of South America /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast/; https://mkweather.com/autumn-2022-forecast-for-south-america//.
In the next days, after a cold front, an Antarctic blast is for large parts of Argentina, Chile, and later more northern states, forecast, too, and remnants of hot air will be shifted above Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Source: Scott Duncan Twitter (ScottDuncanWX)