The hottest day of the year and the hottest 8. July in all-time history was measured in Adony, Hungary, where on Thursday, 8. July 2021, +40,2°C was measured /https://www.idokep.hu/hirek/megdolt-a-rekord-tetozott-a-hoseg/.
All country according to idokep.hu and OMSZ reported extremely hot day with a maximum temperature +35/+40°C.
Heatwaves in June 2021 brought all-time June record +40,0°C /https://mkweather.com/hungary-400c-the-first-time-in-june-all-time-june-national-record//.
The extreme heatwave around Thursday, 8. Jul is peaking in neighboring countries of Hungary, across all Balkan, Italy, parts of Eastern Europe, the Baltic region, and Finland – interesting measured temperatures across Europe will be topics of the next Mkweather articles.
It appears, that temperatures up to +38/+39°C should return around Monday – Tuesday, 12.-13. July, shortly, yet.
The next tropical days above +30°C are prepared for the country already after 15. July 2021, with a peak around 20.-24. July, when temperatures should reach more than +40,0°C, again.
Already around Friday are expected in large parts of Central Europe and northern Balkan, including Hungary, extremely strong storms /https://mkweather.com/severe-storms-hit-de-ch-au-it-cz-pl-sk-hu-si-hr-rs-after-the-strongest-windstorm-in-france-since-1969// with a possibility of rainfall above 100 mm / 24 hours, severe wind gusts up to circa 130 km/h, large hails up to 10 cm or hail accumulations, damaging lighting, or even tornadoes EF1+.

Sources: wxcharts.com, wetterzentrale.de