Short, but very intensive January heatwave hit southeastern coast of Spain, mainly Valencia region, with extremely high winter temperatures.
In Saguto, maximum temperature reached on Thursday, 28. January, almost tropical +29,7°C, Alicante reported +29,2°C.
Temperature from Saguto is the new all-time national record for Spain for month January and in Alicante, it was the hottest day since 1982 (for 39 years).
From other stations, interesting were Xátiva, with +28,0°C or Valencia with +26,2°C, yet.
Wave of extreme hot weather is coming only 2 weeks after all-time national cold record in Spain (-34,1°C in AEMET stations and -35,8°C in other certified stations: https://mkweather.com/2021/01/07/siberian-winter-in-the-spain-341c-new-national-temperature-record/) and similar time after 50-year snowfall in Madrid /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/09/madrid-50cm-of-snow-aemet-confirmed-the-worst-snowfall-since-1971//.
Only at the weekend, severe windstorm hit Mallorca and Catalonia /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/25/170-km-h-storm-swept-through-mallorca-many-damages// and then, after warm front, extremely hot Saharan air will shift over Iberian Peninsula.
Hot weather in the Spain and Portugal will be continuing on Friday and returns on Tuesday and Wednesday, but since Thursday, 4. Feburary 2021, strong coldwave begins, with really cold peak around 10. Feburary, with T850 hPa anomalies up to -15°C according to the newest outputs.
It appears, that temperature shocks in Iberian Peninsula will continue, therefore stay safe and not underrate bright January sun.