Spring weather in Europe interrupts a short Arctic blast: -30°C in Scandinavia, -20°C in the Alps and Carpathians, and -15°C in Scotland in the next days possible

Already in the last article, we announced the next extremely warm early spring period in Europe between 16.-20. February 2022 /https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-is-coming-the-next-warm-spell-should-surprise-with-30c-in-spain-27c-in-france-25c-in-italy-and-balkan-22c-in-central-europe-20c-in-ukraine-and-18//, with temperatures up to +30°C in Spain, +27°C in France, +25°C in Italy and Balkan, +22°C in Central Europe, +20°C in SW Ukraine or +18°C in the British Islands and Benelux.
However, before very comfortable weather, a very short Arctic blast will in the next 3 days appear, with gradually frosts from the British Islands, through continental Europe to Eastern Europe.
In Scotland, already Friday´s morning should be extremely cold, very rarely up to -15°C.
Temperature up to -12°C should at the weekend surprise Central Massif, France, -20°C the Alps and the Carpathians below 1000 MASL.
Around -10°C should be measured in Balkan (Romania colder) and -20°C and lower temperatures should surprise Moscow region, European Russia.
Eastern Turkey will be still suffering frosts up to -30°C and frosts below -10°C will be still bothering Lebanese mountains.
In northern Scandinavia, temperatures will be still falling below -30°C.
Thanks to NAO+, a very short Arctic blast will end already early next week, with the following extremely warm weather pattern above Europe.
Weather in the 3rd February decade should be milder, without cold or warm extremes, maybe with a warm spell on the last days of the month only.
In March 2022 is forecast very strong NAO+, with possible tropical days in the hottest parts of the Mediterranean and possible first summer days above +25,0°C in continental Europe /see our homepage: /https://mkweather.com//.
Late season frosts are possible to return in April 2022 /https://mkweather.com/will-bring-early-april-2022-extreme-frosts-in-europe-and-damage-to-harvest-there-are-the-first-signals//.
If you like winter weather, it should be the last chances to enjoy frosts or snowfall/snow showers in parts of Europe during the ending winter.
However, will be careful on roads and do not underestimate the situation in the mountains (moreover, deadly avalanches in the next 3 months are possible).
Mkweather will update forecasts for the 3rd decade of the month as soon as possible.

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wetterzentrale.de