After Hungary and Austria, extremely hot weather was on Thursday, 8. July reported from eastern Cezchia (Moravia), too.
While in Hungary +40,2°C, in Slovakia around +39°C, and in Austria +37,5°C was measured /https://mkweather.com/record-402c-in-adony-hungary-july-2021/; https://mkweather.com/the-hottest-day-in-austria-in-2-years-bad-deutsch-altenburg-375c//, in Czechia, were broken all-time temperature records for 8. July in 4 stations in the southeasternmost part of the country, in Hodonín region – the region, which was hit by EF3 deadly tornado in June 2021 /https://mkweather.com/czechia-hit-ef3-tornado-150-people-injured-7-villages-destroyed-if-is-something-apocalyptic-so-scenes-captured-from-hit-areas-june-2021/; https://mkweather.com/deadliest-tornado-ef3-4-in-europe-in-20-years-czechia-after-natural-disaster-footages-day-after//.
In Strážnice near Hodonín, +36,5°C /https://www.lidovky.cz/domov/na-morave-padaly-teplotni-rekordy-ve-straznici-bylo-pres-36-stupnu-nejtepleji-za-vice-nez-sedesat-le.A210708_180535_ln_domov_liam/, in Brod nad Dyjí near Břeclav +34,9°C and in Dyjákovice na Znojemsku and in Troubsko +32,9°C was measured.
Meteorologists are warning before extreme strong storms from Thursday to Friday, 8.-9. July 2021. They published warnings of the 3rd level for large areas of the country, including Prague.
A similar situation with warnings before storms is in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, or northern Italy with the 2nd or 3rd level of warnings and already 7 cm hailstorms, 100 mm rainfall, and 2 tornadoes in Switzerland and northern Italy.
It appears that hot days will gradually return after 15. July 2021, with the next peak of heatwaves around or after 20. July 2021, with the possibility of temperatures around +38°C.