Sunny and very dry rest of January 2022 /or the next 2,5 months/ in Spain and Portugal: from strong -10°C frosts to summer +25°C

Strong Azores high, which brings very dry weather until the end of January 2022 in the British Islands / and (at least western) France /the next Mkweather article/ will affect Spain and Portugal, too, with zero precipitation amounts above continental parts, firstly with severe frosts, later, with summer temperatures in Andalusia.
The coldest weather should be on the front side of Azores high peaking around 22. January 2022, when temperatures up to -10°C, maybe rarely up to -15°C will be possible. Relatively strong frosts, up to -8°C are possible around this date in NW Portugal, too.
The Azores the high however gradually will bring spring-like weather and at the end of the month, summer temperatures up to +25°C are in Andalusia and southern Portugal possible, although mornings should stay fresh.
Precipitation are predicted mainly for coastal parts of Iberia and snowfall should be according to the newest outputs of GFS maximally limited.
Moreover, a leading NAO+ pattern should bring the next 2 very dry months (February and March 2022) in the region, with early-spring conditions not only in W/SW but almost in all Europe /
People in Spain will have therefore in the next period a hard choice – will dress into winter or into summer-like weather?
In basins and valleys, it will look like more than winter, later such as a spring.
In southern regions, it will look like spring, in peaking of heatwaves such as summer in northern latitudes, but still with very fresh mornings, maybe with ground frosts or even frosts.
Therefore, stay rather warm and use very good weather in your region for outdoor activities.

Illustration maps. Source:
