A mass of extremely hot tropical air holds over Southeastern, Eastern Europe, Turkey and Mediterranean coast of Middle East.
In Eastern Europe is very hot (Kherson, Ukraine, +34,2°C, Tarnow, SW Poland +33,8°C, Pinsk, Belarus, +32,6°C) but not so hot as over Balkan and southeastern parts of Central Europe.
More than +35°C was measured on Sunday in region from Slovakia (Mužla, +35,2°C) to Israel (Kefar Nahum, +46,5°C) – from the most hottest countries, with the biggest temperature anomalies from long term average we have noticed mainly Hungary with +38,2°C /https://www.idokep.hu/hirek/masodfoku-figyelmeztetes-van-hosegre/, Cyprus with +43,8°C and red warnings on meteoalarm.eu and Israel with anomalously +46,5°C.
Turkey has reported +43,5°C (Adana), southern Italy +38,3°C (Palermo), Greece +38,3°C (Serrai), North Macedonia +37,1°C (Gevgelija), Bosnia and Herzegovina +36,9°C (Zenica), Albania +36,8°C (Gjirokastra), Croatia +36,7°C (Osijek), Serbia +36,3°C (Sombor), Bulgaria +35,7°C (Sandanski), Moldova +35,6°C (Dubasari) and Romania +35,2°C (Riosori de Vede).
In Israel was hotter than in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. In Mediterranean countries, similarly hot was only in Algeria (+45,8°C Ouargla) and Tunisia (+45,0°C, Kebili).
Extreme heatwave is linked with drought, fire risk and potential health risk.
Heatwaves in the region will be continue minimally up to 12. September, with abnormal anomaly +16°C from long term average in Istanbul region around 7. September 2020.
Cold front, which is moving above NW Balkan and Central Europe won´t cooling the area, only its most northern and western parts.
The weekend in Hungary, +38,2°C (101°F):
Sunday´s temperature, precipitation, humidity and air pressure conditions over Europe /meteologix.com:

Sunday´s 850 hPa temperature anomaly, 850 hPa temperature and T2 m anomaly over Europe /wxcharts.com:

Mkweather warnings for Monday, 31.8.2020:

Predicted extreme temperature anomaly more than +16°C over Istanbul area on 7. September 2020: