Only in the last series of articles we were focused on forecasts for a current, the 3rd Summer 2021 heatwave in Europe.
While in the Spain and Portugal, maximum temperatures up to +49°C are possible /https://mkweather.com/spain-and-portugal-at-the-weekend-49c-gfs-all-time-records-are-473c-and-474c//, for Italy +45°C and for Balkan +42°C is forecasted /https://mkweather.com/italy-45c-and-balkan-42c-the-3rd-peak-of-deadly-heatwaves-on-thursday-8-july-2021-expected//, in southern Central Europe, +40°C should be measured /https://mkweather.com/heatwave-in-central-europe-hungary-40c-austria-slovakia-39c-czechia-37c-poland-36c-germany-32c-july-2021//, in Eastern Europe, up to +38°C is possible /https://mkweather.com/eastern-europe-hits-a-10-day-heatwave-temperatures-reach-32-38c// and in Baltic region and Scandinavia, maximum temperatures up to +35°C are forecasted /https://mkweather.com/the-next-10-days-of-heatwaves-for-scandinavia-and-baltic-countries-343c-in-lapland-behind-70n-already-measured//, the next, the 4th heatwave of Summer 2021 in Europe should bring hot times for almost all Europe, including the UK, northern France, Benelux or western Germany.
According to the most reliable materials (evening´s runs of GFS), the hottest will be in continental Europe, British Islands, but too Italy and Balkan between 16.-21. July 2021, with possible maximum temperatures up to +30°C in England, +33°C in Benelux, northern France, and Germany, +38°C in southern France, +32/+38°C, in Hungary +40°C in rest of Central Europe, +42°C in Balkan and +45°C in Italy.
Before this period, however, colder times are forecasted for most of continental Europe and northern parts of the Mediterranean, mainly between 11.-15. July 2021, thanks to a moving cold front, with severe storms.
It appears, that Summer 2021 is excluding NW Europe very hot despite very cold Spring 2021 and evolution of atmospheric circulation between January and May 2021. In the late phases of Summer, this circulation pattern should be interrupted mainly by the powerful Hurricane 2021 season, but until late August is a lot of time for breaking many temperature records, yet.
Information about the 4th peak of heatwaves will be updated on Mkweather, soon.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de