The long-term forecast for the USA (+Canada and Mexico) until 30. January 2022!

In the last similar articles, we analyzed expected temperatures and snowfall until 30. January 2022 in Europe /;
Now, we should look at expected temperature regimes until 30. January 2022 in North America (the USA, Canada, and Mexico).
Such we should notice in the main output´s graph, while in Europe 2 or 3 peaks of winter are forecast, in North America will be Winter 2021/2022 strengthening until the end of January, and according to our Winter 2021/2022 forecasts for North America and Northern Hemisphere, it will be peaking in February 2022 /;
In the coldest regions, the coldest period is forecasted between 25. December 2021 – 5. January 2022.
In mid-latitudes, 2 peaks around 11.-15. January and 21.-23. January 2022 are possible.
In subtropical latitudes, peaks around 25. December 2021 – 5. January 2022 and 12.-24. January 2022 are forecast.
In tropical and southern subtropical latitudes, a period 5.-23. January 2022 should be the coldest.
Evident is lack of Arctic cold air masses around Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022, while in Europe, extreme Siberian blasts with severe frosts and blizzards are forecast.
It should be partially a result of an expected NAO- phase.
In mid-latitudes in the USA and Canada, severe coldwaves should appear only around 12.-17. January and 20.-24. January 2022 according to long-term outlook.
While in North America, a strengthening of Winter 2021/2022 is forecast, Europe should experience a warmer end of winter /
If you live in North America, will be prepared for the gradual strengthening of winter conditions in the next approximately 2 months.