Ex-tropical storm Kyle strikes Britain with full force! Britain looks set to be battered by ferocious winds of up 180 km/h (111mph) on Thursday morning, as a storm is forecast to sweep across the UK, according to the latest weather charts.
By Friday the strong winds have reached the west of the UK. The Met Office forecasts stormy conditions this week, with heavy rain and windy weather especially likely from Thursday and into the weekend.
A worrying storm building will continue to the southwest of England, propelling strong winds towards the west coast and up through Wales. Strong gales of up to 100km/h / 60mph then batter the west of the UK and Northern Ireland. Soon after, the storm is expected to hit the northwest of England and Scotland, with winds of up to 105 kmh / 65mph rippling through the UK.
“Spells of locally heavy rain sweeping northeast across many areas Thursday. Further showers Friday and Saturday, heaviest in the west. Windy throughout, with gales for some western and northern areas.” /Met Ofice
Storm Kyle formed off the US East Coast last week, and is forecast to head across the North Atlantic.
According to Severe Weather Europe “As a result, the forecaster has warned: This will likely result in an explosive development of unseasonably strong extratropical cyclone.”
After Kyle, ex-tropical storm Josephine will come to Europe and cause even stronger cooling over UK and continent. The end of summer and the start of autumn 2020 in Europe will be very, regionally extreme cold, with maximum temperatures during the coldest days only +15/+20°C, near heavy rain only +10°C in mid-latitudes.
Documentation of a big windstorm in UK around Thursday, 20. August, 2020:

Powerful jet stream over Atlantic on Tuesday and over UK on Thursday /netweather.tv/

Mkweather warnings for Wednesday and Thursday 19.-20. August 2020:

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I’m just going to say it: The world absolutely needs more tutorials from Ms. Henson. We can call ’em Taraji-torials. Matter of fact, sis should consider starting a YouTube channel because ya girl needs some tips and this is the kind of content I’m on the internet for. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. The Hidden Figures actress is debuting her hair-care line, TPH by Taraji, in stores and online Wednesday, featuring 18 products ranging from $9.99 to $14.99. The brand is based on homemade mixes that Henson crafted herself and has been using to treat her scalp for years. Read more stories about natural hair: Hair Awards: The 31 Best Hair Products of 2023 And in a time when other Black celebrities are dabbling in the hair industry—like with Tracee Ellis Ross’s Pattern and Gabrielle Union’s Flawless—Henson’s unique position is at the essence of scalp care. Her formulas are a game changer for those, like her, who often wear protective styles such as wigs, braids, and weaves. But the real value comes in the therapeutic touch. Infused with aromatherapy ingredients ranging from lemongrass to sage extract, the entire line is an endeavor to redefine how Black women look at self-hair-care.
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