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- Powerful heatwave over continent with breaking temperature records and severe storms over west part – continue; storms 1.-2. level during heatwave
- Coldwave spreading from Finland to Baltic states and Eastern Europe gradually, in Russia and Ukraine with slightly storms
- Island rain and wind
- Greece and Portugal heawtaves with wind
- Caucasian region storms 1.-2. level
USA and Canada
- Return of hot and stormy weather across eastern half of US and Canada, regionally with 3.level of storms
- Heatwave and fires in Southwest
- Rain / Wind / Cold over northwestern parts of continent
- Rain, later storms in Central Canada
- Weakening warm weather in Nunavut
- Wind near heatwaves and storms in Midwest
- Powerful late monsoon storms in India, S/SE Asia, except of Indonesia and Malaysia where hot
- China with heatwaves and severe storms
- Korean peninsula with severe storms
- Colder weather in West Middle East, Wind with heatwave in Iran and Afganistan
- Coldwave with Rain / Snow / Wind in S Argentina, S Chile, New Zealand and South Africa
- Heatwave in SE Africa, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia
- severe storms in Central America, Venezuela and Colombia
- Heatwave in Mexico, S Mexico with storms
- West Africa with severe storms
- East Sahel region with weakening of storm activity
- Egypt with heatwave
- Morocco hot with storms, West Sahara hot with winds, Tunisia below temperature average