Mkweather last period has warned before together 5 Mediterranean storms /2 STORMS; 3 STORMS/, which were / are expected between 20. November and 15. December 2020.
In series of articles we will bring detailed overview of first effects of Mediterranean storms (Article 1 – Cyprus, Article 2 – Israel, Article 3 – Italy) and one forecast (Article 4 – Spain and Portugal forecast).
This article will pay attention to extreme rainfall event and floods in Israel at the weekend, 20.-22. November 2020.
Firstly, Mediterranean storm hit Italy, Croatia and Greece last week, but the largest damages it caused in Cyprus from Thursday to Friday, 19.-20. November 2020 /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/25/mediterranean-storms-series-cyprus-after-heavy-rains-and-tornadoes//
Then, from Friday to Sunday, storm system has shifted above Israel, Syria and Lebanon, with exceptional rainfall totals and severe floods.
Both storm events (Cyprus and Israel)are good covered in watchers.news. 230 mm of rain / 24 hours was measured in Mt. Carmel area, northwestern Israel. Floods however hit Tel Aviv or Haifa.
According to Israeli meteorologists, it was one from the rainiest days in all-time history in Israel. Heavy rains arrived after long period of drought in autumn 2020.
In Israeli mountains, the first snow simultaneously appeared.
According to timesofisrael.com, last winter, downpours in northern Israel broke a 51-year record within a two-week period. Rainfall in the north raised the level of the Sea of Galilee by 19.5 centimeters (7.7 inches) and ended a five-year drought that plagued the area.
During next period, similar situation is forecasted, with next 4 Mediterranean storms, from which some will be moving directly above Middle-Eastern part of Mediterranean.
After long-term drought is therefore expected next winter flooding situation caused mainly by neutral to weak negative phase of NAO, which is linked with southern shift of Icelandic stormtracks over the Mediterranean.
After Mediterranean parts, stormy and cold winter weather hits other parts of Middle East, too, during next weeks /https://mkweather.com/2020/11/23/floods-in-desert-saudi-arabia-cold-and-rainy-forecast-for-middle-east//.
