Siberian winter hit in full power in the most vulnerable places, including Syrian refugee camps, mainly in the north of country and too in Lebanon, where simultaneously with last Turkish coldwave was snowing.
Although, many children were from the snow surprise happy, conditions like this, with severe frosts and snow should be for people without a heating deadly.
Before this crisis in Syria warned already in late autumn and early winter 2020 – 2021 humanitarian workers, who pointed out to possible dangerous winter blasts in the region.
Winterstorm, with creating of snow cover was reported e.g. from camp near town al-Dana, in Syrian northwestern province Idlib.
Cold weather is reported from Lebanon camps and even, from Yemen, far on the south.
Children with their parents and grandparents are surviving here in horrible conditions, such we should to see on photos – in tents, without basic needs, moreover in severe frosts.
Although, second winter peak in February probably won´t hit region in full power, winter is long and in case of return of NAO- driven circulation, next heard times should come later in Feburary or in early Spring 2021.
More Mkweather about last winter blast in Middle East:
VIDEO: 🇸🇾 Displaced Syrians living in tents are battered by a snowstorm at a refugee camp in the town of al-Dana, in Syria's northwestern #Idlib province
Dramatic change weather conditions have wrecked havoc on #Syrian refugees again. As heavy rain, snow and wind hit the makeshift tent like living arrangements; more than 20,000 refugees had to evacuate their flooding tents
Heavy snow and freezing temperatures have hit refugee camps in Lebanon. More than 15,000 Syrian refugees in Arsal are being exposed to harsh winter conditions.
We urgently need your help to deliver life saving winter aid to families in need.
Do you enjoy the snow? The Syrian refugees also love the snow, but it kills them because they can't be warm enough when they are living in a tent in the middle of no where. the video was taken this morning in northern Syria. of Syrian refugees lose sheltr amid harsh winter n Syria*+3,000 Syrians living n Idlib’s refugee camps have lost their shelter after days of torrential rain & snow. Althou some have left their camps, many families have no choice but 2 live n flooded tents.
14 thoughts on “Snow in Syria: Refugees in a big crisis”