Europe is experiencing with extremely cold May 2021, which is coming after extremely cold April 2021 /https://mkweather.com/the-coldest-spring-2021-in-europe-since-1987/; https://mkweather.com/2021-22-little-ice-age-years-with-volcanic-activity-in-last-30-years-had-tendency-to-be-la-nina-during-solar-cycle-minimum//.
Rare frosts and ground frosts are continuing and on Friday, 28. May 2021, they were reported from many parts across western half of Europe.
The coldest was in Germany – Oberstdorf, 810 MASL, reported only -0,3°C, what is approximately 7°C below May and 10°C below June temperature average for minimum temperature.
Frosts were reported from Switzerland, too – Courtelary, 695 MASL reported -0,1°C.
In Austria, +1,0°C was measured in Neumarkt, 870 MASL, but previous days brought in country frosts, too /https://mkweather.com/a-few-days-before-summer-2021-still-frosts-in-british-islands-and-continental-europe//.
Very cold was in Denmark – Horsens, 22 MASL, reported +1,3°C and ground frost.
Eskdalemuir in the UK reported +1,5°C, but such we mentioned in link near Austria, last days brought frosts in the UK, too.
Gilze-Rijen in Netherlands, 15 MASL, surprised with +1,7°C on Friday.
Charleville, 149 MASL, France reported +1,9°C and ground frosts, with effect into sensitive plants too.
Cewice, 154 MASL, Poland reported +2,2°C and in next day, cold mornings will shift from western into central parts of the continent, therefore, in East-Central Europe will be even colder.
Finally, Buzenol, 322 MASL, Belgium, reported +2,5°C and very probabl ground frosts, too.
Such we should see on outputs below, ground frosts are forecasted for central parts of Europe until 3. June 2021 and then, very warm period, with very warm nights is expected, maybe until half of June 2021.