All-time national record in danger!
All Saharan air already in the next hours will shift from Italy and Balkan to East-Central Europe, with a possibility of an all-time temperature record in Slovakia!
Just a Slovakia will have on Thursday the largest temperature anomalies from the long-term average in the wider region.
GFS sees a potential for +40°C in southwestern parts of the country, +40,0°C and more was reached in the country only 2-times.
In July 2007, in Hurbanovo maximum temperature reached +40,3°C, and in Dudince +40,2°C.
In August 2013 in Gabčíkovo, near the Hungarian and Austrian border, +40,3°C was measured, but the value was calibrated to +40,2°C later.
There is 8. July 2021 a chance for the +40,0°C temperatures and higher the 3rd time in history or temperature will stop under extreme threshold? Or even, all-time national temperature record will be broken?
In the lowlands in the Southwest, subtropical nights above +25,0°C are at the next 2 nights forecasted and it should be a predictor of historically hot weather, too.
In neighboring Hungary, the temperature should reach +40/+41°C, but the all-time national record has a value of +41,9°C from July 2007.
In Austria, +40,5°C was measured in August 2013 and on Thursday, +39/+40°C should be measured.
Temperatures in Moravia should reach +38/+39°C and southern Poland up to +36/+37°C, but all-time records for countries have values +40,4°C (Czechia, August 2012) and +40,2°C (Poland, July 1921).
Balkan countries should reach +42°C, but all-time records have values +42/+47°C in the region. In Italy, +45°C should be broken, again.
Forecast for an upcoming peak of a heatwave in parts of Europe you will find separately for 5 selected regions on /https://mkweather.com/spain-and-portugal-at-the-weekend-49c-gfs-all-time-records-are-473c-and-474c/; https://mkweather.com/italy-45c-and-balkan-42c-the-3rd-peak-of-deadly-heatwaves-on-thursday-8-july-2021-expected/; https://mkweather.com/heatwave-in-central-europe-hungary-40c-austria-slovakia-39c-czechia-37c-poland-36c-germany-32c-july-2021/; https://mkweather.com/eastern-europe-hits-a-10-day-heatwave-temperatures-reach-32-38c/; https://mkweather.com/the-next-10-days-of-heatwaves-for-scandinavia-and-baltic-countries-343c-in-lapland-behind-70n-already-measured//.
After heatwaves will be Central Europe and northwestern Balkan hit by extreme storms on Thursday and Friday, 8.-9. July 2021 /https://mkweather.com/severe-storms-hit-de-ch-au-it-cz-pl-sk-hu-si-hr-rs-after-the-strongest-windstorm-in-france-since-1969//.

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de
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