Before the arrival of a polar vortex is peaking extreme heatwave above Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, and the Middle East.
The situation is detailed watched here: https://twitter.com/extremetemps.
Surprising are mainly tropical temperatures on 28. November 2021 in Greece.
In Chania, Crete, +30,4°C was measured, which is an unseasonably high temperature not only for Greece but for many tropical latitudes.
On 29. November, almost tropical +30,0°C (+29,6°C) was reported from Bartin and Zonguldak, Turkey, Cyprus reported at the weekend +28,0°C.
Israel reports up to +32,3°C already and +35°C during the next days are forecasted. In Lebanon and Syria, wildfires and drought should be even more worsened /https://mkweather.com/lebanon-hit-severe-wildfires-a-large-reservoir-in-syria-dried-up-the-first-time//.
Extremely hot air is almost everywhere across the Middle East, although Saudi Arabia reported severe hailstorms regionally and Iran in the half of the month reported regional floods.
In Swiehan, United Arab Emirates, +37,3°C was early last week (22. November 2021) measured, in Qatar temperatures rose above +35°C.
Qarn Al Alam, Oman, only a few days later, on 25. November 2021 reported extreme +37,0°C.
Extremely hot air is gradually from northwest replacing by Arctic air masses – e.g in continental Sicily, frosts have already appeared, while coastal areas of Sicily reported extremely cold +4,6°C.
Gradually, snowing and frosts hit mountainous and regionally coastal parts of the Mediterranean, too.
In northern Greece, -20°C in the next weeks isn´t fully excluded, Erzurum region in Turkey should reach -30°C and lower temperatures. Above Western Balkan should fall temperatures close to -30°C according to the coldest GFS outputs /https://mkweather.com/populated-parts-of-balkan-italy-and-turkey-expects-historic-early-season-frosts//.
Coldwave is forecasted to hit the Middle East in the second half of December, with Western disturbances (ex-Mediterranean lows), possible floods, snow in the mountains, and possible frosts in colder areas.
Update of Winter 2021/2022 forecast for continents of Northern Hemisphere you should visit here /https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere//.